Mortgage Fraud & Scams | New Tripoli Bank
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Mortgage Fraud & Scams

You've applied for your mortgage and suddenly you're getting emails and offers from every direction. Know what kinds of fraud and scams you can expect when you apply for a mortgage or loan.

Why am I being contacted after I’ve closed on my mortgage?

When you apply for a loan, a credit report is drawn and triggers an inquiry. The credit bureau is made aware that you are searching for a loan and is able to sell your information to various third parties. These are referred to as “trigger leads” and are created and sold within 24 hours of your application.

Importantly, these trigger leads are created by credit bureaus; New Tripoli Bank is not selling your personal information to third parties.

Is this legal?

Yes—this activity is legal. Trigger leads allow consumers to be contacted by outside parties; in the best case scenario, this provides consumers the opportunity to compare products and find the best fit for them.

However, the downside is trigger leads open consumers to identity theft, scams, fraud, and can cause confusion during the lending process. We encourage our customers to be on high alert with unsolicited offers.

What Should I Expect?

Mortgage or Refinancing Offers — These can be offers from unscrupulous lenders trying to trick you into applying for credit, or offers from fraudsters trying commit identity theft. Beware offers of very low rates or strangers asking for your personal information.

Home Warranty — Home warranty letters are sent to new homeowners to alert them that their home is not covered by a warranty. Make sure you name search companies from whom you’ve received letters before contacting anyone; legitimate home warranty companies have websites and you’ll be able to find reviews from actual customers. These scams are so slick, sometimes the letters will even contain a photo of your home!

Recorded Deed Notices — You do not need to pay for a copy of your deed; you will receive your original grant deed from the County once it is recorded, and copies can be obtained for free. A certified copy of your deed can be acquired from the County for a fee.

How Can I Avoid Being Added to a List?

Register at This costs nothing and opts you out of unwanted solicitations for five years. This can take up to two weeks, so the sooner you register the better.

Sign up for the Do Not Call Registry at This is also free and takes effect within a day. Being on the DNC list does not mean all calls will stop, but it will cut down on the number of solicitations you receive.

Sign up at There is a $2 fee for this service which stops loan offers and other soliciations from appearing in your physical mailbox.

REMINDER: New Tripoli Bank never sells loans. We only use your personal information to report to credit bureaus and process your transactions. If you ever have questions or concerns about any unsolicited mail you receive, please call your loan officer at (610) 395-8834 or email us at