Personal Branch Services
New Tripoli Bank offers additional bank services to better meet the needs of their customers, whatever they may be!
An easy way to avoid late payments on your loans! New Tripoli Bank can automatically deduct your loan payment from your New Tripoli Bank deposit account. You can also have us automatically transfer funds from your deposit accounts into other accounts in order to save for vacation, taxes, or the holidays.
New Tripoli Bank logo checks are included at no cost as part of free personal checking. If you would like to re-order checks, please contact us.
For the cost of other styles or to order your checks online, please use the links to the right.
Have your paycheck or social security checks deposited (for free!) directly into your New Tripoli Bank account.
The secure way to pay your federal taxes. EFTPS is a service provided free by the U.S. Department of the Treasury that enables individual taxpayers to make all their federal tax payments electronically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Payments can be scheduled up to 365 days in advance.
This free service is a safe, convenient means of protecting your deposits after regular bank business hours.
Overdraft protection and overdraft privilege add value to your checking account:
Overdraft Protection: Overdraft transfers are free and can be made from a savings, money market, or line of credit account. The number of transfers that may be made from a savings or money market account is limited to six per month.
Overdraft Privilege: Overdraft privilege involves New Tripoli Bank considering, without obligation on our part, payment of reasonable overdrafts up to an assigned overdraft privilege limit. The overdraft privilege service applies to a variety of transactions, including checks and other transactions made using your checking account number, automatic bill payments, ATM and one-time debit card (Point-of-Sale) transactions; however, we will not include ATM and one-time debit card transactions within our ODP service without first receiving your affirmative consent to do so. Our customary fees for overdrafts will be added to outstanding overdrafts you may have and will be applied against your overdraft privilege limit. If you have signed an authorization for overdraft protection from a linked account, we will initiate the transfer before we access your overdraft privilege limit.
Safe deposit boxes are available in a variety of sizes. The contents of your safe deposit box are not insured by us or by any federal insurance program.
New Tripoli Bank is a member of the Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program, which promotes the prompt, accurate, and safe transfer of securities. This is a free service offered to New Tripoli Bank customers.
Dial-A-Bank gives you access to complete account information and lets you make convenient transfers and payments with the touch of a button—24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is no cost for using Dial-A-Bank and no limit to the number of calls you can make. There is no application to complete—simply call 800-396-6137.
When you need to send money fast - New Tripoli Bank can transmit funds to a receiving bank anywhere in the U.S. in minutes. International wires are also available. Wire transfers must be made before 2 p.m. during regular bank business hours. For more information, contact us.
For more information about what to expect and what information you need for wire transfers to foreign countries, please read our 'Useful Foreign Wire Facts' reference guide.