Joint Bank Accounts: When is the Time Right?
February is the month of love: what better time to think about you and your partner’s finances?

Tools for Budgeting Success
Whether you’re repairing a bike or preparing a budget, it’s important to have the right tools for the job.

Banking in 2025

Gift Ideas That Won't Break the Bank
Another year is almost over, and we are less than two months away from Christmas! With the holiday season fast approaching, many of us are already getting a head start on our present shopping.

How Financial Wellness Helps Promote Good Mental Health
Mental health and financial wellness are two topics that may seem separate but are actually closely related to one another. The concept of financial wellness encompasses your ability to manage your finances.

Preparing for Disasters
Natural disasters can happen anywhere at any time and affect consumers at every income level. While a natural disaster is impossible to avoid by its very nature, there are steps every consumer can take to...

Planning for Retirement
Retiring in a financially secure position isn’t a sure thing. It takes planning and commitment to ensure you can retire comfortably and early enough to enjoy your golden years to the fullest. According to the...

The Importance of a Solid Business Plan
A solid business plan is important because it addresses every aspect of the commercial venture you are about to undertake. The plan describes your business, it identifies its operational and financial goals, and, most importantly,...

Preparing Your House to Sell
If you want to give yourself the best chance to receive an offer on your home and maximize its value to potential buyers, you’re going to need to put in some effort. Here are five...

A Brief History of the Penny
When the United States Mint was established in 1792, one of the first coins produced was the one-cent piece. Prior to the U.S. establishing its own currency, American colonists would use a mixture of coins...

Staying Organized for Financial Success
Organization can be applied to all aspects of your life, but it can be especially helpful for those of us who are trying to get smarter with our money habits. Here are some good rules...

Improving Your Credit Score
Your credit score is a prediction of your credit behavior, such as the likelihood of you paying back a loan on time, based on information from your credit reports. Companies use your credit score to...

An (Extremely) Brief History of African Americans in Banking
In honor of Black History Month, we thought it would be pertinent to highlight the many milestones that African Americans have achieved in finance and banking. Ever since emancipation, African Americans have played a significant...

Budgeting Mistakes to Avoid
Failure is an inevitable part of learning any new skill, whether that skill is riding a bicycle, learning to drive stick, or tackling your personal finances. When we fail, it’s tempting to throw our hands...

Financial Fitness for 2024
The beginning of the New Year is an interesting time. It’s the time of year when people reflect on the past year of achievements while planning goals for the next. The tradition of making New...
How To Teach Your Child Financial Literacy
Of the many lessons parents need to teach their children, one of the most difficult concepts to impress upon children is the importance of financial literacy. While most American parents have no trouble talking to...
Putting Customers First
Owning a small business today can feel like David facing down Goliath, with the popularity of retail brands like Amazon and Walmart. However, if there’s one strength that small businesses have to compete against the...
Essential Interviewing Skills
For many people, the most daunting part of any job application is sitting down for an interview with a potential employer. The impression you make on an interviewer can often outweigh your credentials; a good...
Preparing to Buy as a First-Time Homebuyer
Buying your first home is an exciting — and slightly intimidating — experience for anyone. The process can be overwhelming for a first timer who may not even know where to begin. Before you embark...
The Importance of Volunteering
Volunteers are the glue that holds the community together, offering essential support to worthwhile causes and people in need. Most nonprofit organizations and charities rely on the generous help of volunteers, as many don’t have...
Cybersecurity for Small Businesses
As a small business owner, you may not consider yourself likely to become the target of a cyber-attack. You might think your business is too small for cyber criminals to take notice, or that you...
Tips for New College Students
This fall will be the first time for many young people who are living away from home as they pursue college education. Some students will find it easy to adapt to their newfound independence while...
The Benefits of Banking Locally
If you’ve ever wondered if it matters where you deposit your hard-earned money, let me assure you it does. We know there are more options for where to bank today than ever before. But consider...
Staying Safe Online
These days, it seems like we use our computers and the internet for everything. Whether it’s sending mail, shopping, checking the news, or keeping in touch with friends and family, chances are you’re staring at...
Being a Smart Consumer
A smart consumer is more than someone who can find the best deal. They know their spending limits, understand their rights and responsibilities as a consumer, and do research before making a purchase. Smart consumers...
How to Build (and Maintain) Good Credit
The start of each new year is a time for us to reflect on the past year and plan for the next. 2022 was a challenging year for a lot of reasons, not the least...
Shop Locally for the Holidays
Planning to spread some cheer this holiday season? Extend that cheer to your community during the holidays by purchasing one-of-a-kind creations from local small businesses in the Lehigh Valley. By doing so, you’ll be giving...
Community Banking: The Treat That Keeps on Giving
Nobody likes tricks when it comes to banking. At New Tripoli Bank, we focus on the “treats” that distinguish us as your trusted bank.
Tips for Fall Budgeting
Autumn is here and while the leaves and temperatures are falling, it seems like price of food and gas aren't following suit. On top of that, the changing season means more reasons to spend money...
Beware Debt Relief Scams
With the government unveiling its sweeping new student loan forgiveness plan, millions of Americans are going to be looking for a piece of the debt relief package. This is the ideal setting for scammers to...
Cybersecurity While Traveling
Cybersecurity should not be limited to the home, office, or classroom. It is important to practice safe online behavior and secure your Internet-enabled mobile devices whenever you travel. The more you travel and access the...
Financial Literacy is Key to Effective Money Management for Teens
At New Tripoli Bank, we understand the importance of helping our community's youth build a strong financial foundation so that they better understand basic concepts like budgeting, simple interest, and establishing and maintaining good credit.
Reinvesting in the Community
The idea of “sustainability” is linked to a lot of local activities these days—whether it’s reusing or recycling products, sampling culinary delights from a local bakery, or choosing to buy American-made products to support our...
Managing Financial Risk: Financial Wellness Check for 2022
High wire artist and daredevil Karl Wallenda was internationally known for his dangerous stunts, often performed without a safety net. For years, he performed daredevil feats to countless audiences of stunned onloookers.
Safe Shopping This Holiday Season!
As we head into November, the weather starts to get colder, the sun starts to get lower, and the holiday shopping season officially begins! With all the hustle and bustle of Black Friday deals and...
Dealing with a Death in the Family
No one likes thinking about death, but it's something we all must face sooner or later. If you are dealing with a recent passing in your family or have a family member with a terminal...
Simplifying Your Financial Life
Managing your money as an adult can be stressful. Between checking accounts, savings accounts, IRAs, 401(k)s, bills, mortgages, and loans, handling your personal finances can be a lot to think about.
Financial Fitness for New Homeowners
The paperwork has been signed, your new living room is full of several cardboard boxes labeled “clothes” and “silverware” and such, and the keys to your new home are resting safely in the palm of...
Teaching Teens Financial Literacy
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan once stated, "Financial education is a process that should begin at an early age and continue throughout life. This cumulative process builds the skills necessary for making critical financial...
Questions About Your 2021 Economic Impact Payment?
Thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, millions of Americans will be receiving another check from the federal government to help with economic...
How To Prioritize Debt
Between credit cards, student loans, and mortgages, there are a variety of different types of debt out there. Part of tackling your debt obligations is knowing which of your debts to prioritize first. By prioritizing...
Have a Financially Healthy Holiday
When the holiday season rolls around, it’s normal to want to splurge on gifts for friends and loved ones. The holidays can be an exciting time full of advertisements for the hottest new toy and...
Budgeting In Uncertain Times
Creating and sticking to a budget can be a stressful task—even in the best of circumstances—and right now we aren’t living in the best of circumstances. The effect of COVID-19 on our economy forced many...
Six Tips to Maintain Mental Well-Being
While following quarantine and social-distancing recommendations or requirements can help stop the spread of COVID-19, if you don't take proper precautions, your mental well-being could also suffer. Use the following tips to help maintain good...
Economic Impact Payments: What You Need to Know
On March 27, 2020, the president signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). This $2 trillion aid package will provide financial aid to families and businesses impacted by the...
Social Distancing, Quarantine, & Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak
Social distancing is a way to keep people from interacting closely or frequently enough to spread an infectious disease. Schools and other gathering places such as movie theaters may close, and sports events and religious...
What You Need to Know About COVID-19
Updated 3/23/2020 If you are sick with COVID-19 or suspect you are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, follow the steps below to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home...
Financial Preparedness Tips
Rebuilding after a disaster or emergency can be a difficult challenge for people at every level of income. In these stressful situations, having easy access to your personal financial, insurance, medical, and other records is...
Good Credit is Vital for a Sound Financial Future
As we say good-bye to the last decade and hello to 2020, it’s even more important to focus on planning for tomorrow. One of the best New Year’s resolutions you can make for yourself is...
Go Local for the Holidays
The holidays are a time for spreading cheer and giving gifts to friends and loved ones. When you’re looking for the perfect gift this holiday season, it can be tempting to default to the internet....
Securing Financing For Your Small Business
Obtaining a small business loan can be daunting, but community banks offer the most reliable route to financing a local enterprise. As a small business themselves, community banks only thrive when their customers and communities...