Tips for Fall Budgeting | New Tripoli Bank
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Tips for Fall Budgeting

September 19, 2022


Fall DIY

Autumn is here and while the leaves and temperatures are falling, it seems like the price of food and gas aren't following suit. On top of that, the changing season means more reasons to spend money including increased utility bills, updating your winter wardrobe, and planning for holiday purchases. Here are some tips to help you rake in some savings this fall season.

Winter-proof your home. Some TLC in the fall goes a long way toward cutting down on winter utility bills. Consider improving your home insulation by caulking or  using weather-stripping on windows and doors, and clean out your gutters to help with drainage. Cleaning or changing your furnace filter and checking if your roof is in need of repairs are two economical habits essential to prepare for the winter months. You should also consider switching to energy-efficient lightbulbs; though they cost more upfront, they'll save you money on electric bills in the long run.

Save on Appliances. Keep an eye out for your household appliances that are in need of replacing. Stores will put appliances on sale during the fall season to make room for new inventory and the latest models that come out just in time for holiday shopping. If you're shopping in person, ask sales associates if you can purchase floor models, which often come at a discount.

Clean Out Old Items. Take a long, hard look at your closets and storage spaces: they're probably full of items you haven't used in several years! Fall is a great time to clear out these items and make some additional cash while you're at it. Reach out to your neighbors about hosting a garage sale to sell off old, unwanted items, or post them to online shopping sites like eBay or Facebook marketplace. If you have a lot of old, still wearable apparel, clothing swaps are a great way to change up your wardrobe without spending a dime.

Set a Budget. Did you spend a little too freely over the summer? Fall is the perfect time to get your budget back in line. Go over your expenses and identify areas where you can cut back. With the holidays fast approaching, saving extra cash now means you'll have more in your pocket for holiday purchases. New Tripoli Bank's online banking tool makes it easy to track your spending and allows you to set up automated bill payments to make sticking to your budget simpler.

Embrace DIY. Before you spend money on autumn accessories or Halloween décor, tap into your inner artist! Fall is a great time for DIY projects which can be a fun, cost-effective activity to enjoy with your family.

Finding ways to be frugal this season can help you save money while allowing you to enjoy everything the fall season has to offer. The best way to get started with your savings goals is signing up for Free Checking with New Tripoli Bank, which gives you access to our online banking tools that make it easy to keep to a budget.

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