Staying Safe Online | New Tripoli Bank
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Staying Safe Online

March 14, 2023



These days, it seems like we use our computers and the internet for everything. Whether it's sending mail, shopping, checking the news, or keeping in touch with friends and family, chances are you're staring at a computer screen when you do it. While there are many benefits for consumers—faster and convenient services, for example—it is important to be aware of the dangers of the internet.

Wherever you find consumers willing to spend money or divulge personal information, you will find criminals seeking to exploit them for personal gain, and the internet is no different. Every year, millions of people fall victim to frauds and scams that begin with an email, text message, or phone call. The cost on consumers is immense, but they suffer more than just the financial losses: fraud can cause damage to their credit history and can lead to a lost sense of security.

This is why New Tripoli Bank is dedicated to promoting cybersecurity. Strong cybersecurity requires smart internet use—you may have the best security systems installed on your computer, but one wrong link click can lead to you becoming the target of identity thieves!

Here are some tips to stay safe while surfing the web:

Be suspicious of unexpected requests for personal information. It doesn't matter how legitimate the email or website looks—only open emails from people or organizations you trust and, even then, be cautious if anything looks questionable. Keep an eye out for typos or other obvious mistakes—scammers send purposefully sloppy emails to isolate the most gullible targets.

Don't share personal information unless you initiated contact. Do not share info over the phone, through the mail, or via the internet in response to an unsolicited request. If you receive a message that appears to be from an organization you recognize instructing to you call a phone number or click a link, ignore the message, and instead visit that organization's website to use their verified contact information.

Internet Browsing Clip Art

Thoroughly review your account statements. Make sure you recognize and can account for every transaction that appears on your end-of-month statements and make sure to contact your bank or credit card servicer if you notice any irregularities or unexpected charges.

Use strong passwords. Avoid using birth dates, phone, numbers of Social Security numbers for PIN codes. Don't create a password based on information that can be found on your social media profile or easily guessed.

Be careful what information you share publicly. It's best to show discretion when using social media; any information you share can be exploited by scammers to make them appear as if they are someone who knows you.

Keep your computer updated. All consumer PCs come installed with security software that you should  update regularly to guard from the latest malware and viruses.

Avoid unsecured networks. Be careful about where and how you conduct your financial transactions. Unsecured public wi-fi networks can be intercepted by malicious hackers, and you never know who could be watching you enter personal information while you're out in public.

Stephanie Barton

Stephanie Barton is a Senior Vice President and New Tripoli Bank's Chief Information Officer. She has been working for New Tripoli Bank for over thirty years and has overseen the maintenance and upgrading of the bank's digital infrastructure and security.

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