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What's With The Eggs?

You may have noticed these green eggs hiding all around our website. That's because New Tripoli Bank is hosting a Digital Easter Egg Hunt! We want to see how many Easter Eggs our customers can find hidden throughout our website. The Easter Egg Hunt begins on March 2nd, with hints to the eggs' locations being posted on our Facebook page throughout the month. Make sure you are following us on Facebook so you'll be notified on April 2nd, when we'll ask you to submit your guess for how many eggs we've hidden throughout our website.

We will be taking submissions up until April 9th and we will announce the winner of the Digital Easter Egg hunt on Good Friday (April 10th) during a Facebook livestream. The winner will be chosen randomly from all the correct answers. If no one provides a correct answer, we will randomly select a winner from all entries that are closest without going over the correct number!

The winner of this contest receives a $150 Amazon gift card. One entry per person. You do not have to be a customer to enter. Bank employees and immediate family living with bank employees are ineligible to enter.

Happy hunting!